How to get reimbursed 💸

I’m so thrilled you want to invest in your career by joining the PMM Camp Community. You know what would make me even happier? If your employer partnered with you in this investment and reimbursed your membership.

Many companies offer a professional development or learning budget that covers the cost of courses, communities and books.

Usually there are two pathways to getting your learning expensed: 1) Submit a receipt and get reimbursed post purchase, or 2) Get access to a company credit card ahead of purchase. It’s important to note that both options require approval from your manager in advance.

Here’s how to get your membership expensed:

Step 1: Have a personal development discussion with your manager. Share your ambitions for your career, and let them know why you believe the PMM Camp Community can help you achieve those goals while also driving value for the business. Tell them you’ll follow up with a more detailed email and specific ask.

Step 2: Send an email with the request. Be sure to include details of the membership, why you believe it will help you grow in your role, and the price of the investment. Here’s a handy template you can use to get started:

Hey {manager},

I have the opportunity to join Tamara Grominsky’s private community, the PMM Camp Executive Clubhouse. It’s a private collective of senior PMMs who want to elevate their craft and build connection.

As a member of the community, I’ll have access to:

- Monthly learning sessions and AMAs led by subject matter experts and industry leaders

- Real-time feedback and support from peers with bi-weekly collaboration sessions

- 24/7 access and the ability to tap into the wisdom of the community (it’s all Sr, Director and VP level folks - so this is gold)

- Monthly 1:1 matching program with other PMM leaders

-  Free catchup calls with Tamara (regularly $250/hr)

Previously, we discussed my professional development goals of {insert goals}. I strongly believe the learnings from this private community will directly contribute to my ability to complete these goals and also drive value for the business.

The membership costs $50 USD per month, and is billed quarterly. They also offer a discount on an annual plan.You can review the details of the community here.

Are you opposed to using my professional development budget on this growth opportunity?


{Your Name}

Step 3: Confirm payment method. Ask your manager if there is a company credit card they’d like to use for the purchase, or if they’d prefer you pay and expense afterwards. In both cases you’ll receive a receipt post-purchase that you can provide to the employer for their records.